Hero of the Arab Nation
Saddam victor of Dujail.
Why do you have finger nails
as you hold your precious pen?
Surely any competent interrogator
would have removed those.
Saddam, hero of Halabja
how is it that you have a tongue
to berate your chief judge?
Standard practice should be
to cut that out.
Saddam, conqueror of Kuwait,
it is dreadful that you
had to walk upstairs.
Which lift would you have preferred?
The rope around the neck is fine,
but didn't you prefer the meat hooks
in the chest?
Saddam slayer of Iran.
You say you have to wear dirty knickers,
and have nowhere to go for a fag.
I will ensure that you eat your knickers
and your cigarettes are
stubbed on your body.
You must be shocked
at this fall in standards
since your day.
Don't worry.
We are working on it.