The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

My love

My love, I let you down

I promised I'd be there but started to drown


My love, I was in over my head

Why did we pass ships at night as we climbed into bed


My love, the only love for me

I just want to say sorry, I am so fucking sorry 


My love, I see your face everywhere

There's not one other face that could compare


My love, my beautiful friend

You were there every time the day came to an end 


My love, I still search for your approval 

Although the end was my call and removal 


My love, I miss you like mad 

I'm so terribly angry, I have never felt so sad 


My love, I wish you knew how I cared

I told you so many times but it fell on deaf ears 


My love, I hung on for so long 

You only called out my name when you knew I was gone. 


i love youlove poetrysorryfemalepoetryexpressionpoetromance

◄ Boy

This heart ►


<Deleted User> (19836)

Wed 3rd Oct 2018 19:21

A very heartfelt poem. Pains of the heart run deep and you have expressed that beautifully. Well done!?

<Deleted User> (18980)

Wed 3rd Oct 2018 12:44

For me the last two lines are the best.

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