Not walking but discovering the footpath
Young friends laughing at past troubles
All fears flayed.
The wind sings 'La Petenera'.
Furry - faced cats pedestrianized
Preside over freshly retired men
Puffing cheroots outside warm cafe's
Uniform replaced by jazz jackets.
Politics observe perpetually
From under wet sewers,
Bathing in the death of currency
Wealth is an enemy of nobody
Because there is no such thing as rich.
Mansions are hotels for the homeless
Beautiful women distribute
Free fucks to ugly virgins.
The deaf sing,
The blind see
And humans are finally one.
Rachel Bond
Sun 18th Apr 2010 17:34
this is such a good poem kealan x
furry faced cats pedestrianized
preside over freshly retired men
puffing cheroots outside warm cafes
uniform replaced by jazz jackets.
This work reminds me of Cannery Row Steinbeck. Another consistently genius writer.
if youve not read this you must.
i love the sound of this. the images and resonance of the words all tumble into this city scene.
mansions are hotels for the homeless. dead on.
where will i find one of those beautiful women then?
I can feel the steam from sreet coolants. Its all america to me...where did you have in mind?