World on a wait list.
Left this Space...
This Time.
A Timeless Oasis.
As I awake...
To how fake real life is.
Love life, lifeless.
Straight from a kid...
To a midlife crisis?
Am I on schedule?
No trophy wife on a shelf...
Or a pedestal.
Focus on Self...
'Til health is incredible.
They say "Love is Blind".
Where's my Blind Luck?
Been outta work.
Had my grind stuck, Yet...
Just as excited...
With 9 bucks left.
Adjust my sights to the right...
When the 9 bucks left.
Tell me...
How many mind fucks left?
I'm pretty hardy!
About to Kill Bills.
Hattori Hanzo in hand, so...
I cancelled the pity party.
Becky Who
Tue 9th Oct 2018 07:35
I'm reading this on my phone on the morning commute, and I had to stop my music (I was listening to Eminem thanks to the influence of certain people on this site! ?) so that I could read it properly and feel the hip-hop rhythms.
I've just discovered your profile, welcome to WOL and I look forward to reading more of your work.