The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

Long Distance Love

If I could bottle up this thunder

in my heart and post it to you,

all those unspoken words would 

tumble out and you would see.

If I could lace my fingers into yours,

we could speak in braille.

If I could lie my head against your skin

and inhale, you could not fail to know.

If I could touch my lips upon your mouth,

and speak the language of eternity,

no words would be necessary.


©️Janey Colbourne 2018


love poemslong distance loveLonginglove passionlove poetry

◄ Vanessa Kisuule I Thank You

Plasticiser (a plastic rap) ►


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Janey Colbourne

Wed 17th Oct 2018 17:06

Thanks Jane!?

<Deleted User> (19836)

Wed 17th Oct 2018 07:00

A wonderful take on long distance love!?

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