An Archaeology
He was but what he was, nobody cares
Or knows. We forgot easily what he might
Have been. And all thought falls into
The remains of this tear-filled parting forever.
Dreams I had, come and dreams I had go,
Leaving nothing but the faintest
Impress of my hair upon a pillow.
Shadows flit across this static air
And the sun-soaked dust rests here in mid-air.
My dreams remain the same from night
To day, scorning the nothingness of the day
Flinging noise into the waking sea of dreams,
Where nightmares born of prescience
Terrify me. And scare away the vast shipwreck
Of my life’s esteems and so finally lay to rest
This Roman-Greek-Byzantine dream.
Blessed by Hellenic art, architecture, literature we were cursed by a lack of toughness, a lack of fight.
We fell silent in the night and dawn did not bestir us.
We could not prevent our civilization sinking to defeat beneath the sands of Arabia and we descendied into these unholy sand-blown infidelities..