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angst of night

How you cling 

to the roof of my mind

That esoteric creature 

Of folded wings;

and hueless eyes;

of quiet gaze: resounding 


That creature of dream

Of unfurling wings

Of torment of mind and;

angst of night

of stretch of skin:

flit of shadow; in candlelight


With bead of eye; and

beat of wings; bedlam through 

the night you bring:

Like moths intrigue 

Amour of flame 

I'm draw into: resounding gaze


◄ Clear

Consumed ►



Sat 10th Nov 2018 22:26

Thank you Big Sal for your comments, I would like a surplus of imagery myself. Thank you Anya, Brian and Charlotte, glade you enjoyed my poem.
Congratulations Anya on your position with WOL, I feel sure you will enjoy it. good luck.

Much appreciate des

Big Sal

Sat 10th Nov 2018 18:34

The repeated use of the word 'gaze' made me continuously think of the word 'quartz' which in turn brought a surplus of imagery itself.

Well done.

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