I cannot, I cannot do this or do that,
climb a set of stairs, I used to be able,
unbelievable ability, parallel bars,
fifteen marathons a year,
Times crossword in under one hour,
now I just cannot, my mind talks to itself,
abstract conversations between three and five people,
all had names, all become forgotten, either today or tomorrow,
I still cannot do what I once did, even with help,
so what can I do, I can read, warm some soup,
I can, but do not wash or dress to go out, what is the point,
the point is as a child, I could not,
now as an old disabled person, I cannot,
I loved those inbetween years,
four or five to possibly seventy, the energy, enthusiasm,
then it happened, it happened,
but I can never remember when,
dementia, a word to fear, DEMENTIA....
Don Matthews
Mon 12th Nov 2018 21:35
A sad debilitating disease striking many today. You have expressed it well here Martin. ?