The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

The Trouble With Tribbles

He was warned when he first got it

He was warned, it must be said

That a Tribble-Gremlin cross-breed

Ought not be worn upon your head



He was wary of the bald-patch

Disliked the typical toupee

Wanted something extra special

To keep the looming grey at bay


He used his wealth and influence

Sent a message from his tower

Requesting some geneticists

To employ skill and iffy power


They tried every type of creature

From the koala to the shark

They dabbled with some coral reef

That glowed bigly in the dark


After every combination

They had to shake their heads and scratch

For this unyielding customer

There could only be one match


Crossing a Tribble and a Gremlin

Was the only sure-fire bet

Sleekly luscious and abundant

Easy to care for, unless wet


But surely for this man with such

resources, will and self-esteem

Staying dry would be so easy;

His lively hair could reign supreme


From his tower to his chauffeur

Outdoor jaunts could be spryly brisk

But he was warned an umbrella

would not eliminate the risk


So through his aging adult life

He managed to do this dry-hair dance

Until, that is, that famous day

He had to show respect in France


And perhaps he didn't like it

Maybe he'll show us some regret

I hope so, and that someday soon

It'll be just a White House pet


◄ A Winter Sock's Lament

A Nasty End ►


Philip Beverley

Sat 17th Nov 2018 17:28

Oh dear - vanity at all costs -
yet perhaps the voice of the little bald pate just had to be heard?
A salutary lesson for all self-congratulatory narcissists I fear

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Alan Travis Braddock

Fri 16th Nov 2018 22:23

Nice one! What a fun poem.
Pity it's unlikely to get to its target, I don't think the White House reads poetry.

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