Sarcastic at half - collapsed ridge.
We walked for about an hour
Or so, talking a quarter of the way.
She brushed the blonde from her hair
In a fashion that mentioned hatred.
Not remembered hatred but a learned hatred.
However the hatred was mutual.
A couple for about a year
Or so, in love about a quarter of the time.
When I say love I mean
A lack of learned hatred.
The road merely a continuum of dusk
Silent was the sneaky mist.
It hushed and lulled, compromised
What little noise the distance made.
On reaching the ridge we stopped
Bits of rock peeled off the side
Like withered skin.
So many previous lovers had
Kissed and died here.
My question had followed us all the way
And now persisted for an answer as reward.
She brushed the blonde from her hair
In a fashion that mentioned hatred.
Began to speak in an ancient alphabet
That was forgotten for a reason.
And there it was.....
With a sarcasm that would
End a hundred wars
And begin a million.
"I would never fuck him"
Her words leaped over the edge
Before I could imagine response.
No more continuum of dusk.
No more questioned hours.
No more fashionable hatred.
Andy N
Thu 21st Jan 2010 13:53
really well paced that m8... i am well impressed.. i bet it took you a while to write that (and i can relate to the content totally)