The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

It's hard to swallow

I do not know this was going to happen but I know it would happen

I'm just a constant fuck up

It never gets easier

I'm not trying to play the victim

But it feels like it


Today, it's hard to talk to you when it felt so easy yesterday

It's hard to swallow, afraid you'll hear me from across the room

It's hard to look at you because you won't look at me when we couldn't keep away yesterday

But that was yesterday...

I don't know what will happen today


I feel like I can't breathe but that's okay

I can't move my body from this spot

I don't know if you'll do anything because I know you'll do nothing

At this point, the thread is becoming thinner and thinner

Our minds hurt


Each other day is a surprise

Either nonstop talking or complete silence

Today is when everyone is silent

I glance over you and I cause that

I hurt you and you probably hate me

And I know you don't care if I hurt


My stomach aches; either I'm hungry or sick

Of going through this again

 And constantly falling back together

Because we still love each other

I hope that's the case


Created on November 17, 2018


◄ Heatstroke

Trust ►


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