The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

There was nothing much to do…

One was sitting on a bench,

Some was saying words in French,

One was looking at the street,

Tom was shaking his long feet,

John was singing a nice song

Dear Boris struck the gong.

When the evening slowly drew

 There was nothing much to do.

Meg was sitting on a fence,

Bob was showing new pence,

When the boy who was so fat said,

Just like that: I have a nail in my pocket.

-On the Moon, we’ll launch the rocket.

-Our cat had swallowed a rat,

Have you heard about that?

-We are having guests today,

Someone said without delay.

From the window in my street

I can see The British fleet.

-And my mom is going to fly,

As she wants to conquer the sky.

She is called a pilot,

Would you like to try it?

-And we’ve bought a reddish ball,

And we used it just for all.

And my mommy is a cop,

She’s the best in riding crop.

Everyone would like to hear

If the mom is an engineer.

Mary’s mother was a tailor,

Betty’s mommy was a sailor.

When your mom is cooking

Happy we are looking.

When your mom treats

No illness child meets.

Your mom can be a teacher,

Your knowledge can be richer.

Different moms are important

If her profession is constant.

When the evening slowly drew

 There was nothing much to do…




















◄ We All Die Someday


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Martin Elder

Sun 9th Dec 2018 18:58

wow this goes at quite a pace and has an excellent feel to it in as much as it is almost it little like a cross between a nursery rhyme and Peter Gabriel's games without frontiers

Love it

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