Global concept
Global concept
Friday,14th December 2018
people often say
"poetry is hell to stay with "
where are head and tail?
I just watch their anger and fail
All the times they write about the moon
dream about under the spell of blazing sun
beat around the bush
and try to the rubbish ideas
It pains me a lot
as I have sought several times
their attention and tried to specify their vent
with a bouquet of roses and sent
it may be possible that they are not convinced
or least interest evinced
But several times, I have promised
and in my attempt, never misses a chance
For me, the poetry is religion
as I am a human being
and have tried to bring
peace and harmony through verses
it gives a soothing effect
to all those who are troubled
remain always misled about the global concept
and refuse the peace concept to
Hasmukh Mehta