Tuesday, December 25, 2018, 11:58 PM
how you were a single flower
In an evergreen forest?
The weight of the branches
smothering your chances of survival.
how you found energy
falling from the clouds in bright streaks of light:
rays that came from the heavenly bodies.
Cynthia Buell Thomas
Mon 31st Dec 2018 22:30
A little poem, full of power. Often the real treasures of our 'work'. And good poems are 'work', as well as inspiration. Words, the exact right word, and combination of words, they take effort. I have always had a thesaurus close to hand, as back up to my brain when searching for the 'best' word, or words, to express my ideas.
Do you dislike titles? Or is this more like a diary? Rather intriguing, actually.