Richer in Giving
There is immense value
within each one of us
that is cumulatively enriched
when we share with each other.
But when it comes to giving,
sadly we hold back
in the pretext of protecting ourselves
and then ironically wonder
where has the goodness of this world gone?
It takes wisdom to realise
and courage to admit
that what you have accumulated
through various experiences
isn't yours alone.
You share a part of something
bigger than yourself.
There is nothing you own.
For even your life was given to you.
Cynthia Buell Thomas
Mon 31st Dec 2018 19:33
Great thought to pass 2018 into 2019. May I suggest that you repost it tomorrow, such a positive note to start our whole new year on WOL. It's really worth a big readership that's not likely to happen tonight.