Open up your mind
Dear little child, open up your mind. What do you want to be? What do you see? A mind full of imagination. A mind full of passion. Dear little child the world is yours to see.
Dear teenager, open up your mind. What do you want to be? Think quick and real because the world is not what you thought it would be. A mind full of confusion. A mind full of doubt. Dear teenager, You are still a child and the world will wait for you to see.
Dear Adult. Open up your mind. Time is running out quick. A mind full of responsibilities. A mind full of purpose but the deep thoughts of passion and freedom have disappeared. Dear adult think like a child but be wise. The world is not what it's meant to be but the freedom of passion and hope has yet to disappear.
Jon Stainsby
Sat 5th Jan 2019 07:02
Love this.