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Boris is a New Man

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Boris Is a New Man


Boris is a new man

He's lost a lot of weight

He's lopped his mop of trademark hair

New lover guiding fate?


Boris has upgraded

To 1.8 mill flat

Accompanied by lover

Well I'll be, how 'bout that


Divorce talks are emerging

His marriage to Ms Wheeler

Although surviving many bumps

It seems is now 'no dealer'


Sources say that Boris

And lover 'all loved up'

And he is so determined

Not this one to mess up


He has been known to have affairs

And cause a bit of strife

We'll have to see what happens
Will she become third wife?


Don Matthews January 2019


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Don Matthews

Wed 23rd Jan 2019 11:18

It might be -3 where you are
And Boris yes he is quite a twat
Would you believe here it's 45 tomorrow?
And Po, that is bloody-well hot

I'll bet Boris's lover's real hot too
Renowned for her spin-doctoring around
She's blond and has Boris besotted
A hot one our Boris has found ?

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