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Unorthodox behavior

Unorthodox that's in a word to explain it
How was I supposed to know
It happened all so fast
I've grown up since then
Not into the person that anyone wanted me to be

I'm not normal and I'm not politically correct
Have I learned from the mistakes that I've made
Does hope get anything more than a betrayal of reality
Is it a poem it's more of a quotable thought that's in my head
Always blooming but never really there

Write a thousand poems
Most of them would be about love
I gave up on the reality that Fame is what I'm after
And focused on I just want a good life with her it's possible
If not I have to buy more lights for the lighthouse
Unorthodox behavior is what I'm good with


◄ Deja Vu

Words of The Waiting Man 27 ►


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