Builder's Shitty What a Pity
Builder's Shitty What a Pity
Builder cannot take a joke
What a crying pity
Incapable of joshing round
He just gets really shitty
He hasn't yet quite worked out
That when he counteracts
With fangs and fire and venom
I'll just keep coming back
(Seems bit dense to me...)
The Builder he has made himself
A target for satire
It's just all bluster, hot air
His venom, brimstone, fire
I really do not understand
Why he just can't take
Himself off his high horse
And discourse adult make
'Twould make the site much happier
With rational discussion
Instead of spite, agression
From out his mouth a'gushin'
It is all straight and forward
As all good WOLers know
Just take a joke and josh around
Sing hidee hidee ho
The moral of my verse is
The moral of my ditty?
Enjoy my jokes and josh along
And don't catch 'Builder-shitty'
You haven't heard about this?
This type, called 'Builder-shitty'?
My doctor warned CONTAGIOUS!!
You treat with pills called 'Witty'
He gave me much prescriptions
To last for many years
To make this 'Builder-shittines'
Come out when it appears
I said yes thankyou doctor
It's gonna take a fight
To get this 'Builder-shittiness'
All cleared out from the site
The Builder hasn't worked out
(Also dense to me...)
That Aussies we are fighters
Don't give up easily
From your icon don't know
If you guy or gal
So picked my pic at random
To match my gal with Sal
So cast your barbs, your venom
I just don't give a toss
I'll just deflect them back at you
Because? It's all just dross
Don Matthews January 2019