Tiny victories
I ride the wind, this cutting wind
Cures me of indolence, regret
Towards the close of day
Clouds swirl blue celebrates
A tiny victory
Cynicism drains away
Thoughts tumbling over the cliff face
Thoughtless man lacks the will to care
The whole green earth suffers at his hands,
A women's care is gracefully sustained
It is her flair to create beauty, even in the barrenest of lands.
Man's linear thinking inflicts this bloody calvary upon nature
Time after time
Knowing the cost of everything, the value of nothing,
He has wreaked havoc on nature's every feature;
This rape of mother earth is the most terrible thing.
Mankind must see he is a steward not the owner
And God the creator and composer.
Big Sal
Thu 31st Jan 2019 12:23
Every tiny victory counts, but a Pyrrhic victory does not.