I can almost see it in my mind So clear and yet so far How do i get there How do I get to where you are How do you feel when the beauty is encompassed all around you? Is it too much too bear? Does it all really just fall away? I can hear it, the soft crashing now The breeze blowing through those golden stalks Your skin as soft as velvet do you finally feel complete? You always dreamed you'd get there You're own little corner of the world Your own little space on that nook You would sing about it as a kid swinging high on the playground But you didn't yet know what you were dreaming about The golden stalks match your folden hair glowing in the sun Your white dress flowing with ease you look like a masterpiece waiting to be painted The strokes so soft, so subtle on the cavas and yet filled with expression Your mind takes you wherever you want to be You see the pink petals as they fall You feel the white snow on your cheek You see him coming towards you waiting to fall into his arms To feel his breath on your neck his lips on your skin If only he knew how much this means How much youve dreamed
Marcy a Ewing
Thu 21st Feb 2019 03:00
Thank you kate i appreciate it