Caressing winds towards the end of day
Causing clouds to swirl, blue to fade away;
Swirls of rainbows split then recongregate
Like sheep tumbling through an open gate.
Some thoughtless man lacked the will to close;
Whole green earth suffers like the fading rose
Women's care is gracefully, consistently, sustained,
To create beauty, even amongst the barrenest of stains
Man's linear thinking inflicts his bloody-mindedness,
Knows the cost of everything, the value of nothing,
Has wreaked havoc on nature's delicate ecology
This rape of mother earth is an abomination and an evil.
Mankind must begin to see he is a steward not owner
And God - the great creator and bountiful composer.
John Marks
Wed 20th Feb 2019 22:20
Thank you Kate. Praise indeed. John