Old friends
The tears dries out,
From a smirk
To wide smiles,
They never shut her out.
I'm here they said,
Demons were all chased,
She was truly blessed,
To have such great friends.
Seperate ways they go,
Never truly apart,
She knew she was loved,
She swore to never cut,
A promise she never kept.
How she tried,
To not be dead,
Little did they know,
Her loss to her demons.
Each with new friends,
But the old ones were not forgotten,
Hers were ignorant,
She's finally lost the game.
Now, no one saw her cut,
No one knew her hurt,
Neglected and alone ,
She threw herself out.
kealan coady
Sun 24th Feb 2019 21:18
This is a great piece of writing. Keep up the good work.