Against What She Can’t Control
Against What She Can’t Help 2-28-2019
She’s terrified of what may.
She’s scared this will be really ???? changing....
She’s hanging onto every moment she can with what she has.
She already has so much going and still going but sits to try and enjoy her lunch with and among her friends..?
Instead of grading work.. she’s just there& conversing with friends.
A dear friend whom is close to her.. shares and says, you’re like family to me.. that’s how close we are..
She’s not sure what may come but maybe she can set a new trait... fight what’s the trait and push through!! Make a new family gene as a fighter against the odds.
Whom knows what that may be right now but knowing she has a strong will... she’ll make it through anything?
She will be okay, either way , she’s going to fight against the odds and be okay.