As She Packs Her Bags 3-8-2019 Posted
As She Packs Her Bags 8-31-18
As she packs her bags, there is one thing about this weekend that is definitely missing.... the tradition she had done with her grandparents and family for so long.All the road trips up the hill were so precious to me.
Camp. Camp was a sacred place for all of us... we would join and reunite with one. another. Now it’s just a memory.. a memory that was long lived but now just a memory.
Was taken away from us just like that... no turning back or even a goodbye farewell... just goodbye!! Now not even available to anyone.?
There were some great times there.. everyone laughing , everyone howling at times, even a hoot hoot once& a while at the dark sky..... just still one problem once again.. no Grammy& Grampy along for this journey.... or to see my other gram.
Now on this weekend every year since they’re no longer with us, we have since then made new memories... Auntie& Uncle with cousins on Saturday’s for a reunion.
Auntie again with many cousins and relatives on Sunday for a picnic to still keep the other tradition on Sundays every year that I can remember.
As I stand here and think back on all those childish memories... a tear comes to my heart to say, I miss you all who’ve been here on this weekend past..... it’s hard to wrap our heads around this....
Since the , new generations & kin have arrived.....
New friends, family still there but not many....
It’s amazing how time has passed but memories can live on through the heart.
As I stand here on this very ground on this weekend, can I just say Wow... I’m here today setting the same tradition for my kids and others just the same as my mom did years ago with her mom and so on....
There’s so many generations that we often don’t stop and think, wow.. where has the time gone?? Seemed like yesterday that I was that little girl just playing soccer with the boys....
I want to thank my parents for all those years of memories with going to camp& also now for making new memories on this very weekend... as we all know it was hard to lose the ones we cared for dearly...
We can now look back and retell fond memories . ?♥️
Their faces, kindness,& love will always carry on in our hearts & thoughts ?
Happy Labor Day Weekend!!
Ps No trips to the hospital,k? ?
Melissa Wayner
Sun 10th Mar 2019 13:59
Thank you Jason& Kate. Means a lot to me that you’re enjoying the poems.
I like to reach out to others & I like to cheer people up. Glad I could help?And thank you for the compliments ?