Faux saga 1 (03/05/2019)
'we convinced the serpent to pull us across
we took on water and ships were lost
stuck trekking thru a bog that went so deep
screams from helheim could be heard from below
each time the surface broke
And our men, carrying pieces of our ship
above their heads
could feel the slain and bloated bellies of history
beneath their feet.
Tho we pulled out our lesser men
sunk to the chin, amongst the horror
they came out, changed and putrid
much aged by the errant whispers
of those forgotten steps.
we broke bush and thorn so thick
we swore it was night: between black and oily mists
and the stink of fear, sliding down the steep banks
covered in blood red petals
we floated by good fortune
to the frostmuthe: eerie docks on the other side.
They appeared abandoned by decades, tho
we'd only left the day before. '