As I Come To Terms Posted: 3-12-2019
As I Come To Terms. 9-15-18
As I came home yesterday, I paused for a few moments.... I reflect on what it is I needed to do...
I reflected on the fact that reality is coming& that, I can’t believe I am going into this journey.
Yes, a wise few tell me don’t stress but it’s hard not to when you’re Mom.
I worry about not tucking them in at night, I worry about how long this will go for... I worry about the toll this will take.
Worried about if I will get burnt out...
I know others say not to worry... but, it’s just me& who I’ve always been.. can’t change that part of me.. it’s a pretty hard trait to change.
She wonders next what to do.. get distracted, do something out of her norm...
So, she takes out a friend and reflects
Jason Bayliss
Tue 12th Mar 2019 09:48
I've told people not to worry, in the past and they've said it to me in return.
I think it would be far more useful to say, " Do worry if you need to, but not so much that you can't function. Because you have to function."
Insightful poem Melissa.