Stranger Care
Strangers Care:
Care to stay past three*
Care to share
and to spare:
"Come tomorrow, I'll have a phone for thee."
Left to stare,
shock or relief?
I can't explain.
Tomorrow is Here,
"Sure about that?"
Am Stranger care,
None does compare
"I won't change"
Just trust:
Strangers care.
*A Walmart phone agent spent 3hours trying to get my phone to make a call. His shift ended at 3, we ended at 5. He missed 2 appointments past 3, and at 5, said one of the lines in this poem. Today, he said, "When I give my word, I don't change it". I could add up all these numbers(3,3,5,2,2,5) but they would not amount to all the times' I've had strangers care.
Just trust! and Do it too. Dare to prepare for stranger care.