The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

Going Tits Up

entry picture

He thinks she’s great but she’s a cheap shot slag

Leaves my flat smelling like a tranny’s handbag

Since upgrading to a D cup she’s far from shy

Put your silicone away Love, you’ll have out my eye

This image of his perception is a total farse

She’s even rougher than SuBo’s arse

I want to be wing girl and set him up with a beauty

I miss us high fiving when he scores with a cutey

She stays over again cause she ‘can’t afford to get back’

 He says he doesn’t want sex... she sleeps showing her crack

She’s on repeat that she’s been hurt before

I’m engrossed in a script but she’s hard to ignore

She opens her mouth with a barking sound

I await her pissing on his leg to mark her ground

So when he asks me what I think I’ll be as honest as I can

‘Get the fuck out before there’s a bunny in a saucepan’.

◄ He ain't heavi(ly pregant), he's my brother

Glitter in an Afro ►


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John Aikman

Thu 18th Feb 2010 22:16

I can hear John Cooper Clarke in my head...I can't even read it without adding those caustic consonants to myself. It is a wonderful piece for performance poetry...which reminds me that there is a huge difference between poetry on the page and poetry out loud. A lesson I keep needing to learn.

The first time I read it I hated it. Now I love it!




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Jeff Dawson

Thu 18th Feb 2010 22:06

Great stuff Mia, sounds quite a push-up tempo number ha, see you soon Jeff X

<Deleted User> (6292)

Wed 17th Feb 2010 11:22

You are such a brave poet Mia... shocking images .. I wonder If I sleep like that ... ??

This one for the fridge this week... its my POW.

WeLL Done
Augusta Xx

<Deleted User> (7266)

Mon 15th Feb 2010 18:47

Wonderful humour! And the picture just makes it! S x

<Deleted User> (7164)

Mon 15th Feb 2010 12:09

In true Mia Darlone form. gr - e - at! or should that be GR - E - AT!


<Deleted User> (7073)

Sun 14th Feb 2010 23:29

Nice tits heh heh...... but really wot U need is an 'F' cup trust me on that ha ha.....

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Andy N

Sun 14th Feb 2010 23:09

nice one mia.. i enjoyed this.. that picture is incredible also.. my back is aching looking at that - lol

<Deleted User> (7241)

Sun 14th Feb 2010 18:03

this lightened up my day and made me giggle. men eh ;)Thanks for that x

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