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Pocket sized machine which changed everything,
Not a single person you'll find, without it.
It's become a must for every human being,
Part of everyone's survival kit.

The world has become smaller, definitely.
Doing wonders, with just a click. 
Lazy people grew lazier, life is easy. 
Oh pocket magician, we've fallen for your trick. 

Over time, the dependency grew. 
Features aplenty, enough to take our breath away. 
Social media, camera and gaming. To name a few. 
How did people even live without it, back in the day? 

To our ancestors, this will be ambiguous , 
How is it that we fit everything into a phone. 
The gadget was produced to help all of us,
But people tell me honestly, hasn't it already occupied the throne? 

A fruit, which will never fade into oblivion, 
The forbidden fruit of the Garden of Eden, 
Gravity was considered, after falling on Newton. 
Now an infamous brand, with technology for next Gen.



God and war ►


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Don Matthews

Sat 23rd Mar 2019 22:03

The smartphone should be our slave and we their master, and not vice versa.

The trouble is they are addicting us, and we are letting them....

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