Come with me down to the depths
Down to places you'll never forget:
Down where the good are always struck dumb
Down in their graves, down in their mounds,
Where all that it takes for evil to swell,
Is for the good to remain silent, as hell.
This gap is a canyon, unimpeachable cliffs,
Between the airy nothing of words that exist
in the brain and the thud of unalloyed experience
In which ripples of consequence wriggle, hide from the truth
There's always a smattering of something left loose
Outside of the cerebral cortex
where the sign is a wan reflection of the signified,
The pale lady of romance who lied when she said
Signs point to the wild marshes of ambiguity instead,
It is the rhythm of the words which reveal
The staccato rhythms of the brain: where nothing is the same.
The soul is the ghost trapped in this dying machine,
We are hooked in memory, and if bounded by the brain,
We live out our lives, alone and in vain.