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An Unknown Garden


Long I laboured

through the seasons

through the years


on the plot:


as digging blistered my palms

and the soil grew fertile

as digging pained my back

and plants grew strong -

grew verdant

beside the deep dug pond

with its little stream

where I placed fish


an unplanned golden feast for a heron

and an otter


And as each year my allotment grew

her allotted time grew less

she left too soon:

she never walked my woodland path

felt the sun on my patio

or picked the brash blooms

in the lower garden,

the apples

in the orchard


or saw the otter



when I see

the garden lights


in her eyes -


yes, then, there is beauty



◄ Broken

Nadir ►


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Martin Elder

Sun 31st Mar 2019 12:30

Chris this is a beautiful poem that sails along at its own pace. I love both the subject matter of the allotment and pond together with the rhythm of the words. a very poignant poem dealing with the loss of a loved one

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