My brain fell for you in trying to save my existence.
I asked, you answered, and never did you wonder who I was.
I fell for you so damn hard, a wave of depression takes over, affecting my vision.
Now I'm starting to make irrational decisions.
How stupid and silly it is to be in love with someone I have never met.
A fantasy I put together, a distorted version of you I strung together for me,
You are not real, you are not real
I keep repeating.
You have flaws, you have flaws
But I can't see them.
Why is it that I have never felt this pain with love
But here I am tragically heartbroken over an idea Of us.
I know I'm not crazy like the thoughts I've been thinking.
Your a space I was trying to fill, a void of some kind I guess.
The pressure got to me, human nature at best,
I fell for a boy who never asked,
he never wondered who I was.