Poets are dead and not poetry
Poets are dead and not the poetry
Tuesday, April 2, 2019
10:54 AM
Each poet is silent
and remains quiet
with no protest
as poets themselves take risk of an acid test
Google provides Booster
for those writers who pay the money
and in turn, provide comments twenty thousand times or more
this is how our ranking list works here
sincere poets suffer
whereas duplicate poets climb high the ladder
from nowhere they come near
and get the fame here
I know many of them here
they take satisfaction and boost their images
if this is the level of the ranking list
you can imagine where does lie the interest
we all have to think seriously,
does it serve the interest of literature?
you influenced by daily request to read
and this naturally makes our interest dead
even with 30,40 or 50 poems
they manage the team
you can find their names in the ladder
this makes them happier
Hasmukh Mehta