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Time To Decide Patsy

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Time To Decide Patsy


I’m sat amongst the boxes

In my nest not in a tree

The November sun is dazzling

It’s nineteen sixty three

In the land of the brave

In the land of the free

I’m learning how to kill

In the book depository

I look down the barrel

To see what I can see

A woman dressed  in pink

Her hand is on his knee

I squint at his head

It’s just him and me

The focus of my intent

On this evil killing spree

Finger on the trigger

Bullet casings – three

The inner voices that I hear

Like Tweedledum and Tweedledee

Offer sly alternatives

They can’t seem to agree

Take away his life

Or simply let him be


So what’s it gonna be Lee

What’s it gonna be?


assasinationday 2decisionjfklee harvey oswaldNaPoWriMo 2019end on a question

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