The spirit of the father resides in me
My own stress, my struggles that never cut too deep
Never restless, always able to see
See what I see and become greater than me
I profess this to you humbly
To you I would like to encourage greatness
Drop off the feeling of being faithless
Step into the meaning of Aegis
That one moonlit night sky gave me the ability to reflect
To think about what they all said
Until it was clear as day in my head
The good word of trying to be earnest is what I'll spread
Conflict gave rise to the ability to overcome
Through hard times struggled the father and the son
The demons, they scratched at my soul
Trying to obscure my dreams and goals
The holy father saved me from becoming a ghost
Setting my soul ablaze
This spirit will find the way
To defeat this world's dismay
So we can all reach the stars some day