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In the Closet

Through the kitchen, down the hall, in the last room on the left. There's a box in the closet. Small and square, behind some sweaters. Safe in a quiet place, yet always on my mind...


More than just a trinket, it's like an amulet

For when I hold it in my hands, my head and heart forget.

A talisman of testimony, to what was once so true

This tiny little object that makes me think of you.

I keep it there, but take it out when I need to smile

Sometimes for a little bit, sometimes for a while.

I forget the pain of losing you and instead remember

The happiness that we had, when we were together.

Just a silly little thing that some others might toss out

But if you open up that box, you would know without a doubt,

Why I kept it all this time, tucked away, secure.

The memories of little things,

So deep. So true. So pure.





memoriescherished itemslovefondness

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Frances Macaulay Forde

Mon 15th Apr 2019 03:59

A gorgeous little gem, Lisa, says so much in such a few words we can all relate to. Thank you.

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