The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

It's good to be a woman

It's good to be a woman at 30 years old.

 You can even ask for vodka to be cold.

At thirty you have something to surprise,

And see the excitement in his eyes.

When you are forty he nervously trembles.

 Hundred-year old man with Viagra gambles.

It's good to be a woman at the age of fifty

 Climax has already passed, you are shifty.

It's good to be a woman at the age of sixty.

Soon you'll be retired if it's not prolonged.

A woman of a peaceful life you want to belong.

It's good to be a woman at 70th years of age.

It seems I am not so old but not on the stage.

Granddaughter is 30 playing with a man.

With sadness, I remember my 30year man.

It's good to be a woman at 80 years of age,

Though I shiver a little, turning off the light.

I remember him hugging me gently and tightly.

t's good to be a woman at the age of 90.

And my laugh is quiet now. Yes, I loved a lot,

Though my friend's name I recently forgot.

Passion and sins we accept for granted,

 Words of true love I loudly chanted.








◄ Everyone chooses for himself ...

I address to the garverment of my country ►


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Marie Alyza

Sun 21st Apr 2019 23:17

I am smiling while reading this. It is truly great to be a woman. I hope I reach the age of 90 wherein I laugh quietly and words of true love I loudly chanted. ❤️

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