Bossy Boots!
'Never step on a cow pat because it looks hard.
It might be just crusty with poo-soup inside.'
I warned my younger sister
As we crossed Grandpa's pasture.
She scowled, and ran ahead
Looking back with disdain.
'You think you know everything!
'I TOLD you!
I'm NOT laughing!'
And I really wasn't.
She expected me to clean her up.
Cynthia Buell Thomas
Fri 17th May 2019 15:51
Keith, cows can be aggressive, no two ways about it. A small herd gave my husband a good scare some years back. At a holiday home, walking from the farmhouse to the road, passing through their pasture. An odd situation for a 'guest house'! Maybe they sensed that he was nervous. I remember laughing, but, really, they did not look amused.
And I was sorry I had laughed. I do recall saying, 'Don't run!' But we picked up our pace substantially. Safely. Bad-tempered cows were new to me! They are HUGE animals.