Feckless youth
Oh, dissolute and feckless youth
When wiliest thou surrender to all that is given
Wiliest thou not seize with both hands
All that is offered and granted freely to thee
The boundless pounding rhythm that rises in thy chest
Does thou not recognise all that lays
In rich and fertile soil
Beneath the crust of barely hidden dust
Wilt thou not lift thy face and greet the sun
That draws and sucks the rose from the very earth
Or whilst thou lay in thy cot
Until break of noon
Buried in the cold and dampened husk
Of an old man’s lust
For all that he can no longer have
In the land of retribution and regret
Whilst thou wait for beard and freckled cough to grow
Or whilst thou rise up from slumbered bed
Raise thy banner
And declare that thee still have life within thy limp
And shrunken bones
Hark, what is this hearty greeting I hear from thy sullen lips
Yeah whatever
Martin Elder
Wed 22nd May 2019 16:59
Thanks to Nigel, Rose and Mona for liking.
Thanks Rose for reading and commenting I like writing in this style sometimes. But I just felt I had to end it this way otherwise there is the fear of taking myself a bit too seriously.