To the lady I become,
Don't forget to laugh,
Don't forget to smile,
Love yourself,
Because without this you can't grow.
To the child I love,
Be yourself,
Don't be afraid,
Take the risks,
Because that will make you smile.
To my dad,
Sorry for the mistakes,
Thank you for the love,
Can we find the Lego,
Because you know who I am.
To my brothers,
Thank you for the confusion,
Thank you for the thrustration,
Know that I am here for you,
Trust me I know I can be difficult.
Can't wait to catch up,
I know I shouldn't over share,
Know you'll always be on my side,
Don't worry I know you love me,
But please know I love your smile.
Take a deep breath,
Listen to the confusion,
Because that mosaic is your golden ticket.
Breathe, love, cry and you can't go wrong.
Love yourself
mona s
Sat 8th Jun 2019 15:05
Loved this.. ?