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Time changes everything

Time nurtures a sprout to grow into a magnificent tree

Time rips apart our flesh until the earth can reclaim it

...Time heals wounds

...Time tortures souls

A small child broken into pieces hides behind a false face...

...each time the mask becomes cracked, another is placed upon it

Retreating into oneself

The outer layer, a strong beautiful woman

The core, unrecognizable as something that was ever alive

Like that of a nesting doll...

...Different faces of different stories...

Each more pitiful than the one before it...

No one wants to put back the shattered pieces of a little girl

No one wants to see the pain in her eyes

So they pretend the mask is real...

Everyone plays along with the tail the woman spins

...for the reality is far too ugly

...for she is far too broken to be repaired

...and soon enough Time will erase her story forever



◄ Unable to live without Love

Just resting my eyes ►


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