Donations are essential to keep Write Out Loud going    


I recently signed up for some intelligent fun

But oh my...

I was not prepared for what I would find.

WOL seemed a wholesome place

But lately some 'gents' have tarnished this space!

With challenges of edginess, some subjects have 'come up'

And what's with Bridgette Everette and that "d*** in her mouth"?

So my grandmother used Lux and my mother liked Camay

I never cared for either

I prefer triple milled all natural ingredients

Anyway I've got to say

Whether serious or silly.....

It's sure been swell being here!

'Dilly Dilly'





◄ Eric Was a Werewolf

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Don Matthews

Mon 24th Jun 2019 10:15

Martin's knocked some sense in me Lisa
Looked again and saw how poem's moving
But despite moving round all your lines
Had trouble locating the touching.....

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Martin Peacock

Mon 24th Jun 2019 10:06

A very moving, and touching poem, Lisa.

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Lisa C Bassignani

Wed 19th Jun 2019 17:23

Thanks for the support Rose! ?
And dilly dilly is now in law suits please...its just 'good clean' fun.?

<Deleted User> (9882)

Wed 19th Jun 2019 13:52

no probs regarding your right to rant Lisa after all, we are SUPPOSED to be living in a democratic society are we not? loved the soap ref by the way, but watch out for the ad-man and HIS Dilly Dilly plagiarizing rights! ?

Rose ?

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Don Matthews

Wed 19th Jun 2019 12:45

Good heavens! What 'gent' posted Bridget
Don't he know WOL shines wisdom and class
To think we all stoop to such rubbish
He oughta be kicked in the arse ?

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Jason Bayliss

Wed 19th Jun 2019 09:16

Good, glad to hear it.?

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Lisa C Bassignani

Wed 19th Jun 2019 01:25

Thanks Jason. I'm not going anywhere ?

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Jason Bayliss

Wed 19th Jun 2019 01:06

I do hope that doesn't mean you're leaving Lisa, you'd be missed, by me for a start. ?

J. x

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