I recently signed up for some intelligent fun
But oh my...
I was not prepared for what I would find.
WOL seemed a wholesome place
But lately some 'gents' have tarnished this space!
With challenges of edginess, some subjects have 'come up'
And what's with Bridgette Everette and that "d*** in her mouth"?
So my grandmother used Lux and my mother liked Camay
I never cared for either
I prefer triple milled all natural ingredients
Anyway I've got to say
Whether serious or silly.....
It's sure been swell being here!
'Dilly Dilly'
Don Matthews
Mon 24th Jun 2019 10:15
Martin's knocked some sense in me Lisa
Looked again and saw how poem's moving
But despite moving round all your lines
Had trouble locating the touching.....