Omnipresent and Omnipresence
Omnipresent with Omnipresence
Monday,24th June 2019
I profess
and seek access
with clean heart and face
that I have no chase
I practice
and suffice
the need for faith
and take a peaceful breath
It is not an immediate need
but I heed
to the call of conscience
and remain tension free
What is a need to be called bigotry?
when there is an existence of an almighty
prevalent but invisible to our eyes
omnipresent with the omnipresence
I need not show
in public and go
by pretense
it is no real essence
Religion is must
to keep trust
for the presence
and solace to the troubled mind
Hasmukh Mehta
Http///www.poemhunter.Hasmukh Amathalal