The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 14 days, 5 hours. Get details and Enter.

Be Strong, Have Faith, Don't Despair.

The importance of my purpose -

is it blown out of proportion?

For while such pride should be no curse

it might lead to some distortion


of how I see my rôle in this -

what I've a right to claim for me

and whether wanting more's remiss -

but should I accept what I see


or am I right to want my dreams?

Nothing's written: no-one's constrained

to mine safe, prescribed, narrow seams.

Why then need I feel so restrained?


No, Martin: aim high, for the stars

and try to be all you can be;

don't create your own prison's bars:

follow your beliefs, and stay free.


◄ Paramatical Mathedox

Iron (For Him) ►


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Martin Peacock

Thu 27th Jun 2019 21:03

Thanks for the support, folks. Sometimes I wonder why I bother - the depression sets in and I feel lost. I wrote this to bolster my flagging self-belief. I think it needs some work yet.

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Jason Bayliss

Thu 27th Jun 2019 14:59

Like the old saying, "Don't ask, don't get."

Aim high, cos if you aim low, that's probably what you'll hit.

Excellent piece.


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Lisa C Bassignani

Thu 27th Jun 2019 11:03

Never give up...Never surrender!

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