The Bloodstained Bandage
The bloodstained bandage
I can't remember the words,
The snappy headline or the clever pun,
But they must have been one
There always is, to tempt a wry smile
At the cleverness of the author
But I just remember a picture
Faint, grainy in my minds eye
Of a bloodstained bandage
I don't recall the wearer
Male, female, old, young
I suppose it didn't matter
I just remember the white cloth
Patterned with its darker stain
And the wearers pained eyes
That could have belonged to anyone
And that's why I remember it
It could have been anyone
Friends, family, partners, me
And sometimes, I feel anger rise up
Sometimes justified, often times not
I feel the nails dig into my hand
As it balls into a fist
And I remember that photo
I shudder, I breathe
I go outside and I shake.