a life shorter than a day
bleeding she bleeds
warm fluid it pours
until it can pour no more
every molecule of life
a warm pool on the foor
quicker than farewell
enough for a well
if only a well would
make her well
for if it were
one shalt wish for you
for the pool to be dry
the floor to remain
away red stain
and if to wish again
erase now the pain
but tragic..instead
a river of red
helpless nurse by our bed
no use your body
no thoughts in Your head
so quick
so unfairly quick
no chance to call for help
too quick
so now what ? we mourn
she's Bearly just born
forever hearts are torn
i"v not yet felt you Born
but still I do mourn
with the angels she goes
now we must close
Bearly open
but closing time came early
too soon too quick
life is cruel
but cruel was your tiny short life only
you'd gone before they placed you in my arms
2seconds wholey
2 seconds I wasn't lonely
i miss you dearly
forever empty lonely
wait for me my sweet baby girl
il reach you one day
until that day watch over me
forever I'm lonely
you shall never know me
forever im hurting
Forever I'm lonely
Amanda Morton
Thu 11th Jul 2019 13:54
Very sad but so well written