Out the Door Medicine
Out the Door Medicine
First goldfinch of the season flushed
from unmown grass
along with other finches sparrows
and chipping chickadees
southwest they mixed
ones with steady quick beat
and the gold with her push and pause
push and pause
as though she were giving birth to flight
and the berries not black
still mixed in with blossom
green with brown mane
like a nest holding tiny emerald eggs
guarded by red rooted shark-tooth thorn
the color the sweet juice of future fruit
or the small pricked
ruby drop from child's finger
hungry for late summer's harvest
whose mouth is more full than her basket
and the foxglove pods below petals
like perfect pears balance
on 5 pistachio shell shaped sepals
each fruit long-stemmed
as though a straw had been
inserted to sip the hearty nectar
and large black and yellow bumbles
with wings impossibly small for their tasks
disappear inside the speckled
purple roomed flowers
like drunks weaving into doorways
enticed by lights and lust
and the salal tiny little five faced luminent lantern blossoms
hung each one with two leaf bows
above sepals brown flecked
as though a sea star
was resting on milky coral
and all of this
… bird and berry and bee and blossom
but a whisper at the end of a lullaby
followed by silence
and sleep.