The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 14 days, 5 hours. Get details and Enter.

Get Up Off Your Fucking Arses! (A 7-Up)

Complacency's no opt-out,

consoling ourselves thinking

that we've still got time to spare.

It's genocidal, no doubt

of that. Let's blow a fanfare

for ourselves - the world's sinking

and all we can do is pout!


◄ Let Justice Prevail (A 7-Up)


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Martin Peacock

Fri 9th Aug 2019 20:50

I'm glad you like it Don. Cheers.

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Don Matthews

Thu 8th Aug 2019 23:10

'Call it as we see it'
As poet I like this
The greed elite would say the world's
Insane, so what? So be it......

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Martin Peacock

Thu 8th Aug 2019 22:27

Cheers Keith. I wish I could have said it better though. The world is going insane and we poets need to step up to the plate and call it as we see it.

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keith jeffries

Thu 8th Aug 2019 11:05

A few words but you have said it all.
Thank you for this

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