and we burn
Some kind of madman
Over the mountain
Shakes his maracas
Beats his drum
And sniggers
For he knows the
Knows the delights
And the dangers
And the tightrope
Cares not an instant
Or if he does
Wouldn’t show it
So he crashes and thrashes
And breaks those below him
Beneath him
Around him
Smashes their canoe
Causes waves on the mirrors
And lightning
In the shadows
And freezes his breath
So you can’t hear
His heart
But beat still it does
Like an old fashioned camera
Click click
In in the darkness
And the red room’s
A heart full of thunder
A brain full of sadness
A tongue tied with bitter bitter
Quips and whips
And lashings
This ship has not sailed
If it does it will sink
And the past
Not yet nailed
Will spill
Into the sea
There is no soup
No washing
No flags
And no soap
Just some people
Left burning
And the waves
Left to roar
In the empty becomings
Of a laugh filled with nothing
But the hopeless desires
Of the bones
Left rotten
But left wanting
So much